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Customer Testimonials

"When we recently went out for bids, we were both anxious and excited about our bid coverage possibilities. We were redefining our bid process and were unsure of how our subcontractors and suppliers would react. We were pleasantly surprised to receive over 200 qualified bids for this project on bid day without distributing paper drawings! This response demonstrates that our subcontractors and suppliers are totally on board with iSqFt and the new advancements in technology within the construction industry."

-Bill Michael, Robins & Morton


"Our sub coverage has tripled, perhaps even quadrupled. And we’ve increased our success ratio by more than 14 percent. Using the iSqFt Construction Office has greatly increased our bid coverage for all projects, provided an ease of communication with subcontractors and suppliers, and lowered costs associated with bidding."

- John Blinn, Hudson Construction Company


"iSqFt has streamlined and improved our entire bid process. Subcontractors doing business with Reno Contracting have online access to a 'library' of complete bid documents and updates. By using iSqFt exclusively, our bid projects provide subcontractors with digital drawings ideal for paperless estimating with on-screen takeoff."

- Ed Wenz, Reno Contracting


"I just would like to use this opportunity to tell you that as far as customer service goes, Wes, Greg, and Jeremy are absolutely THE BEST. There was nothing that those guys were not able to help me with and in timely manner too. Great customer service!"

- Romana Hasanbasic, Samet Corporation

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