This section is used to indicate what types of work are involved in this project. You are not Inviting bidders by this action you are just setting up the CSI codes for the project.
Click on the Edit CSI Details button to bring up the window shown below.
Selecting Codes
The page has two lists. The list on the left contains all the CSI codes to choose from. Division 01 is obviously at the top so that is the first section you will see, but you can click on the links of all the different divisions to bring a specific one to the top.
In the example shown below Division 03 is selected. To select codes for the project click on the name of the desired code to highlight it and then click on the Add button
You can select Multiple codes by holding down the shift button. Also you can hold down the Ctrl button to make multiple selections just like any other windows multiple select box.
***NOTE: If you have highlighted codes in the right
hand screen and then choose to use the Division quick link box your
highlighted selections will be lost. So it is recommended that you go one
division at a time and move the codes to the left hand side before proceeding
to the next division.
The legend box is there to indicate to you the differences in the codes you are selecting.
The bolding is to indicate to you that you have vendors in your vendor database that match this code of work.
Quick Search
The quick search functionality is there to help you find codes. If you cant remember exactly what code it is or perhaps the type of work you are looking for appears in more than one division. Type the desired word in the Quick search are and then click the Next button.
The first match the box finds will be highlighted.
Notice the search was for “fire” and it found Masonry Fireplaces. The
search will find anywhere that he letters F-I-R-E are found next to each
other regardless of where they fall in the code descriptions. If you click the next button, in the case that this is
not the code you were looking for, it will take you to the next instance of
the word in the list.
Add Code
If you want add a code to the project that is not showing up in your list of CSI codes on the left you can use the Add Code area to add a custom code.
Create the code number, the code description and then click the Add button.
Code number have to be either 5 or 7 characters. 11111 would be an example of how a 5 digit code would work….the seven digit code should look like this 11111-2 or 11111-a
You can use letters if you like as the last character.
This code will be added to this project only. This action is not adding this code to your list of codes office wide. If you wish to add a code to your office wide list so it would be able to be selected in the left hand side on any project you would need to add the code to your Custom CSI list in the Admin section.
Modify a code description
If you want to modify an existing code, select the code and move it over to the right hand side, then once it is there highlight it in the right hand side and you will see the modify button appear at the bottom where the Add code feature was.
Type in a new code description and click the modify
button. This change will only be for this project. If you wish to change
the code description permanently you will need to make the change in the
Custom CSI section of the Admin.
Main Division Level vs. Sub Division Levels
When selecting codes of work for a division you can choose to run the project a couple of ways. One option is to run the project at the five digit code level. The following example should explain this concept:
Lets take Div 15 for example. If you go through the selection process and select the following codes:
15001 – Mechanical Contractor
15410 – Plumbing Fixtures
By selecting codes at the five digit level the invitations that go out will invite the subs to these specific divisions of work. Also when you are selecting bidders in the Invite to Bid section you will be able to see how many and search for companies with these specific codes in their profile.
Another option is to run a division at the Main Division or two digit level. In this example let’s look at Div 04. If you select the main code in any division you will see the following message appear.
This message is referring to the Invitation to Bid section. By selecting the main code of a division all the vendors that have codes in Div 04 will be eligible to receive an Invitation. After you select the vendors you want to invite then when the Invitations are sent the vendors will be invited to bid on Div 04 as opposed to 04410 – Stone Materials.
Using the Division Level method works great for divisions that are clearly defined like Div 04 and Div 16. It also works great for divisions that are very broad and vague such as Div 01.
After you have figured out how you want to run the sections make your selections in a section then move on to the next section and so on and so on. It is ok to move from one division to another without clicking the Update button. The program remembers all the codes you have selected and when you are done click the Update button to send all the information to the project at once.